When you use your voice, you voice your power.

New Blog

How protests and community organizing led to a 1.3 million dollar settlement and exposed a massive cover-up from the Saint Paul police department.

Uncovering Truth- The Fight for Justice for Marcus Golden and the Power of Protest:

The story you are about to hear is a story of determination. It’s a story of hope. It’s the story of seeking the truth. This is how protests and community organizing led to a 1.3 million dollar settlement and exposed a massive cover-up from the Saint Paul police department.

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Little Moments Count Radio Podcast

As a collaborative movement, Little Moments Count partners are out in the community promoting the benefits of brain development in the first 1000 days of life. That’s because activities that build brain power also promote health equity and healthier outcomes in later life. The Little Moments Count Radio Podcast is created in partnership with Minnesota Public Radio and community radio stations throughout Minnesota.

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The Abolition Hour

Hosted by formerly incarcerated, abolitionist Jay Sole. Jay Sole is currently an adjunct professor at Hamline University where he teaches in the Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Department. On the Abolition Hour, Professor Sole shares some of his experiences with police violence in the Frogtown community in St. Paul, MN. He outlines effective safety and accountability strategies for community members. He launched the Institute of Aspiring Abolitionists and shares abolition work happening throughout the region. This podcast airs live on WFNU Frogtown Community Radio Mondays at noon.

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Katey DeCelleComment
We Form The Future

We Form The Future is meant to empower Black Voices and our community.

Episodes are created by a different Twin Cities community organization or individual every week. The content of We Form The Future is in line with the goals of the Transformative Black-led Movement Fund, and will explore new ways of living, new art, new social structures, and ways to build a better future.

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Katey DeCelleComment
Conor's Corner

Conor’s Corner is a weekly radio show and podcast. It was Conor’s lifelong dream to have his own radio show, and he is now close to 100 episodes! “I'm Conor, a person with autism and I live in Saint Paul, Minnesota. My co-host is Scott. Every Monday at 10am, on WFNU 94.1 FM Frogtown Community Radio, we talk about sports, music, life and whatever is on our minds.”

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Katey DeCelle Comment
Frogtown Walking Tour

The Frogtown Walking Tour is an audio tour of St. Paul Minnesota's most culturally and economically diverse neighborhood, Frogtown. From Lexington Ave to Rice Street, and from Interstate 94 to Minnehaha Ave. Frogtown has a variety of restaurants, shops, businesses and organizations with University Ave and the Green Line Light Rail running through the heart of the neighborhood.

Each Frogtown Walking Tour audio episode is produced by a local community reporter and shines a spotlight on a Frogtown neighborhood business or organization.

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Katey DeCelle Comment
EdTalks Podcast

Launched in 2012, EDTalks is a lively series of networking and education events in Minneapolis, Minnesota that feature compelling short talks and Q & A on a wide range of issues impacting young people and public education. Each program features two compelling 20-minute presentations by cutting-edge educators, youth advocates, researchers, journalists, artists and others, along with ample time for conversation and networking.

EDTalks is presented by AchieveMpls and The Citizens League with generous financial support from the Bush Foundation.

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Hear I Am Podcast

The Hear I Am Podcast features stories and interviews from people with different abilities.

The Hear I Am podcast is a partnership between WFNU Frogtown Community Radio, Cow Tipping Press and funded by a grant from the Minnesota Humanities Center. More information can be found at heariam.org

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Katey DeCelleComment
Rondo: Beyond The Pavement, the podcast

The stories you will hear on this podcast are from the people who lived or live in the Rondo neighborhood in St. Paul, Minnesota.

In the 1920’s Rondo, Saint Paul’s largest African American neighborhood was flourishing. With music, theatre, African-American newspapers and businesses booming the community was thriving.

Until September of 1956, when construction of interstate 94 tore through the rondo community. Rondo homeowners resisted the construction and protests began. Residents were forcefully removed from their homes. Thousands of Rondo homeowners were displaced. Homes and successful businesses were demolished and a community was torn apart.

The construction of 94 shattered homes, businesses and families. It did not shatter Rondo’s spirit.

These are the stories of Rondo: Beyond the Pavement.

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Katey DeCelle Comment
Storymobile Podcast

Storymobile is a moveable community engagement space that makes it easy to share, display, collect, and generate our stories. Look for this multimedia, solar-powered roving art space in your neighborhood. This “stories on wheels” is on a bicycle trailer with ready tools—iPads, cameras, microphones, amps, and keyboards, as well as good old paper and pencil—to share and record your stories...

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Katey DeCelle Comment